Gluta Pro - Essential Series - First Iron Systems


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. It represents nearly 2/3 of the amino acids found in muscle cells. Glutamine is very important for all athletes and especially for those practicing strength and resistance sports. Glutamine also contributes to the proper functioning of the whole body.

La glutamine est un acide aminé non essentiel car l’organisme est capable de la synthétiser. Toutefois, dans le cadre d’une activité sportive intense, elle peut potentiellement devenir essentielle, le corps n’étant pas capable d’en produire suffisamment pour faire face à ses besoins. En effet, lors d’un effort physique, la glutamine est largement employée pour produire de l’énergie, ce qui impacte fortement ses réserves et provoque une fonte musculaire (catabolisme). La supplémentation permet de recharger les stocks de glutamine, ce qui favorisera une meilleure récupération et un développement musculaire important (anabolisme). 

Glutamine also helps to maintain a healthy immune system.

Gluta Pro provides high quality micronized glutamine. Each dose delivers 5000 mg of pure L-Glutamine. It can be mixed into your favorite drink or in your protein shake. Gluta Pro is suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets.

Nutrition facts for a daily intake

5000 mg L-glutamine


Gluta Pro usage diagram of Gluta Pro

Mix a 5 g serving in 200 ml of water or in your favorite drink. 
Training days: Take 1 dose just before or directly after training.
Rest days: Take 1 serving at bedtime.


300 g (60 servings)


Glutamine supplementation is recommended for all types of sports, especially high intensity training. This is the perfect supplement for strength and endurance sports.


Glutamine helps rebuild muscle and recover faster after training.


To achieve outstanding quality, we pay close attention to each step of the manufacturing process of Gluta Pro from raw material selection to production. We also carry out strict controls to make sure our products meet the highest standards of quality. That is why you can be sure that the L-Glutamine listed on the label is fully included in the bottle.


All our supplements are engineered in laboratories by sports nutrition experts. They are guaranteed to be banned substance free, ensuring perfect safety and meeting the sports nutrition needs of the most demanding athletes.